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Add an easy Faux Pocket to your Shirt

Vintage-Patch Pocket T Finished.jpg

Pocket T shirts are popular at the moment, but most times the pockets don't need to be useable. Here's a quick and easy way to add a faux pocket to update a plain T shirt using two Vintage-Patch rectangle elbow / knee patches. You need one patch if you want the pocket in a single colour, or two different design patches if you prefer contrasting as we have here.  We've used child size rectangle patches, but you could use the adult size for a larger pocket.

All Vintage-Patch Elbow and Knee patches in the store can be purchased as rectangles, even if shown as other shapes – just click on the rectangle option in the drop down list.

We also have a range of ready to use faux pockets here.

Adding your pocket to the front breast position is traditional, but they look great on sleeves too.

Vintage-Patch Rectangle Patches for Pocket T.jpg







Two of our rectangle iron on patches, plus a ruler and rotary cutter (scissors are fine if you don't have a rotary cutter)

Vintage-Patch Pocket T cut rectangle patch.jpg







Cut a strip about 2cm wide from one end of the patch

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The strip you've cut provides a 'flap' effect when ironed in to position.

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Peel the backing paper off the strip, (leave backing paper on the main pocket piece for the time being).

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Position strip carefully over the cut edge of the patch and iron on.

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Mark position of pocket on your shirt with pins

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Peel backing paper off pocket and replace in required position on shirt.

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Iron on using a damp pressing cloth.  *See full instructions for patch application here

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Sew around pocket including the flap area, by hand or machine using a stitch you like to secure the pocket permanently. We've used a simple running stitch.

Vintage-Patch Pocket T Finished.jpg









Add a button in the centre of the contrast strip and  you're done!

Vintage-Patch Lilac Pocket T Shirt Finished.jpg














3 thoughts on “Add an easy Faux Pocket to your Shirt

  1. […] has introduced pockets to liven up tops and  t-shirts. There is a great tutorial on their website blog  with easy to follow instructions showing  how to attach patches and […]

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    1. Wow, thank you so much, very proud to be featured on Refashion Coop!

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